The Crimean Travel Portal talked to leading tour operators to find out if there is a demand for Crimean holidays and what, in principle, could be expected from the 2020 season.  

So, according to Ilya Umansky, the director-general of Alean National Tour Operator, an obvious surge in bookings is already noticeable, and the figures reach up to 80% of the same period last year. 

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"The dynamics has increased dramatically since the moment when Crimea announced the opening of the holiday season from July 1 for the Russians. I think in mid-July we can expect the occupation of the accommodation facilities close to 100%. Business activity will increase. Yes, initially the key obstacles for vacationers were uncertainty as for the opening date of the season and the need for a coronavirus certificate, which, unfortunately, not everyone can get because of the fact that this is an expensive test, available not in all cities. However, the situation improved significantly after the emergence of exact information (that the result of a laboratory Covid-19 test should be provided only on a health improvement center check-in, while hotels do not require such a document, as well as, in principle, a tourist is not required to provide this certificate on entering Crimea − Ed.)", — Ilya Umansky told the Travel Portal.  

Positive dynamics is also noted by Andrey Pylov, the director of Tour Ethno Tour Operator company. But the final results, he said, can be summarized approximately after July 5. 

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"We have obvious growth over the past week. If this trend stabilizes, we shall be able to say that a good season will be here from July to September. Now there is what is called a quick start. After the opening of sales and clear information that from July 1 Crimea will accept tourists from all regions of the Russian Federation, booking has increased dramatically − about 5 times compared to the "quarantine times". We also had bookings at that time, but now we have an obvious revival. The main thing is not to "spoil" the trend, because − do you know how it happens? − at the start of sales, good demand is marked, and then, for example, the cost of tickets increases or the hotels themselves begin to rise their price − and demand falls. Therefore, we shall monitor the dynamics of the prices to see − in 2-3 weeks − what effect they will have on final demand", — Andrei Pylov said.  

Ivan Kovalenko, director of the SNP-KRYM Tour Operator company, category I tour guide, is sure that in the season 2020 Crimea will not remain without guests, because "people are tired of staying at home in quarantine". 

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"We see a surge of interest in the hotel and excursion business. People book accommodation and tours. They are tired of staying at home on self-isolation. Moreover, every now and then attractive photographs appear on the Internet, popularizing our beautiful blooming Crimea. This fuels the interest. The transport industry is returning to its usual rhythm of work: the number of rail and air routes is increasing. And at last, the entire tourism sector has returned to its usual mission − to present Crimea to our guests", — said Ivan Kovalenko.

Well, as it was previously predicted, the demand for leisure, the desire to travel and, in principle, the thirst for new experiences will remain unchanged in people. The coronavirus story once again convinced them: to take care of one’s health (both physical and emotional) and to raise immunity is a must. And the best way to solve these problems is to go to the sunny seashores of Crimea.